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Cherubins Day Nursery

Gallery Archive

Pre-school trip to Cookie Island (soft play fun)

Child and staff positive and competitive interaction (One to one confidence building)

Fundraisining fun for crackerjack (Teddy bears Picnic and Pyjama and onesie day) Great big thank you to all our families children and staff we raised a great big £97.90.

Construction in progress 'can we fix it?'

Caring for our pets in pet corner

Summer fun days at nursery!( just because we did not go to Camber sands, does not mean we cannot still have fun)

Pre-school graduation day Wednesday 14th July 2021

'Pet Corner' With Rosie Rabbit, Wilamina, Edna and Bertha our chickens

Jasmine room exploring the great outdoors (physical play)

Pre-school decorating the new play house, created by our wonderful and creative Deputy Manager (Eileen) the whole house is made out of recyclable materials.

'Musical movement, we are just having a good old boogie'

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Pre-school and the staff are having a fantastic time dancing rhythmically along to many different songs. Imitating movement in response to music " some staff are better than others" just having a fabulous time.


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'Down on the Farm' discussing the different animals and the sounds they make. (Stargazers)

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Pre-school Practising their Peacock sound's

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Jasmine room Godstone farm trip Monday 10th May 2021 (still in our Covid-19 bubbles)

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Whilst at the farm the children seem to be very curious about the shetland pony and its ichy bottom and how it relieved its self.

Saffron room enjoying the 'hungry Caterpillar teddy bears picnic'

Spring 2021 Music and movement

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Our nursery theme is Spring the children in pre-school (Willow room) are learning & developing an understanding of growth, decay and changes
over a period of time. The children join the staff team in a musical performance on how flowers grow and the process it takes.


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Celebration of a child's birthday

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Pre-school are learning to form recognisable letters, using pincer grip

Caring for Rosie Rabbit! "we love to look after our furry friend"

Number recognition

Saffron Indoor physical play, when the sun is not shining and the rain is falling the fun continues. The great outdoors comes inside " no stopping me now!"

April 2021 Spring Yoga (Sunshine fun)

Spring time musical movement

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Children in pre-school had a wonderful time outside in the great outdoors, dancing and playing musical statues alongside Sara our flexible pre-school teacher.

Red Nose day fund raising fun! here at Cherubins day nursery the children, staff and families had fun raising £143.00 for red nose day. The children had fun decorating the cup cakes, painting and playing with lots of RED messy activities and toys both inside and out. I would like to say a "great BIG thank you" to all our parents, staff and local shops within our area for donating to a very good cause. Winner of the red basket raffle was one of the children within our Willow room.

World book day, as a nursery we celebrated world book day by dressing up in our favourite characters from different story books. Children and Staff had fun reading stories, using story bags and props. Each room created their own props and re-enacting stories in the role play areas.