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Cherubins Day Nursery

Lewisham parents Dates for diary


Parents Evening is coming up at the end of November please see below following details;

Stargazer’s dates are Friday 15th, Monday 18th November 2024

Jasmine dates are Tuesday 19th, Wednesday 20th November 2024

Saffron dates are Thursday 21st, Friday 22nd November 2024 

Daisy dates are Monday 25th, Tuesday 26th November 2024 

Blossom dates are Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th November 2024

Willows dates are Monday 2nd, Tuesday 3rd December 2024 

The booking time slots will be sent over so you can book in your time, if for any reason you are not available on the above dates for your child room please inform us of availability and we will make alternative arrangements. Parents evening will be held in house however if you need or would prefer to do over the phone meeting that can also be accommodated.


We have also received some email requesting dates for Christmas, below is dates for diary;

Children Christmas performances


Wednesday 4th Stargazers sing-o-long@3pm

Wednesday 4th Jasmine sing-o-long@4pm

Wednesday 11th Saffron/daisy Christmas songs@3pm

Wednesday 11th Pre-school Christmas performance (The stick man)@4:30

 Refreshments and snacks will be on offer for parents to chat and catch up with other families


 Nursery closed to all on the 5th December for our 3rd training day


Wednesday 11th December 2024  Children Christmas dinner all invited, if your child does not attend on that date please send over email requesting child/ren to join.

Thursday 12th December 2024- Children Christmas party/Santa visit @ 3pm

Nursery closes at 1pm on the 24th December 2024; please can I ask all parents to send email on weather your child will be attending for the half day so we can allocate staff to work and meals etc.

We will reopen on Thursday 2nd January 2025 normal time.    

